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The professionals at HydroSource are frequently consulted for background on western water issues. The links below offer some general guidance. HydroSource also provides continuing education for the real estate and legal communities on water resources. Contact us to discuss how we can assist you.

“Water Rights in Colorado: No One Ever Said It Was Easy”

In 25 years as a water rights professional, Gary Barber has been asked to explain the often counter-intuitive aspects of water resources in the West. In his reference paper “Water Right in Colorado: No One Ever Said It Was Easy,” Barber provides a basic understanding of the terminology used in describing water resources. Click here to read.

“The Arkansas River: from Leadville to Lamar”

As project manager of the Arkansas Basin Implementation Plan, Gary Barber’s knowledge of water includes multiple arenas. Many of these insights can apply to other Colorado and western river basins. Below we offer links to excerpts from the documentary as well as a link to the full video.

  1. Barber makes a comparison of the value of water rights on the farm to value in the city.
  2. Longtime Pueblo County rancher Reeves Brown describes the importance of agriculture to recreation and the environment, and Barber puts this into historical economic context.
  3. Barber discusses the importance of collaboration between municipal and recreational water users.
  4. Barber comments on the importance of water quality in understanding water resource values.
  5. Barber discusses the critical need for water supply in municipal growth, and the need to mitigate environmental consequences of such growth.
  6. Barber describes how water quality has emerged as a significant factor in water resource values.

The full documentary is available at